Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School

Bishopton Redmarshall
CE Primary School

Class 1 - 2022-2023 Archived


Summer 2

Welcome back to the final half-term of this academic year! Our Reception children have been working very hard with their reading, writing and maths and they are demonstrating a lot more independence with all of their day-to-day tasks. I am very proud of what they have achieved this year so far! Nursery continue to impress our staff with their positive attitudes and never being afraid to 'have a go' with their daily learning activities.
The weather will be a lot warmer this half-term so it is very important that children come to school with the appropriate sun-safety measures (sun cream applied, sun hats and full water bottles). Our learning theme is Summer and The Seaside. We have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned!

Here are our Key Stories for this half-term:


Making Potions

We have enjoyed water-play outdoors by making potions with different coloured water! The children have added petals, herbs and leaves then used funnels, beakers, colanders and sieves to create their potions. They have had lots of fun with this sensory activity!


Colour-Mixing Experiments

Reception children have been exploring colour mixing with a 'walking rainbow' experiment. The coloured water transfered from one beaker to the next through the paper towels and mixed to create different colours!





Summer 1
I hope you've all had a wonderful Easter break! We welcome you back to the Summer Term with a new learning theme - Fantastic Fairy-tales! We have lots of exciting learning opportunities coming up! Here are our Key Stories for this half-term:



Our children have been busy this week setting up our castle role-play area. They have been making swords and shields as props by making use of recycled materials!




Spring 2
Welcome back to another action-packed half-term full of fun and exciting learning opportunities! Our learning themes this half-term are In The Garden, Spring and Easter. We will be planting and growing beanstalks as we explore our key story Jack and The Beanstalk, as well as exploring the exciting seasonal changes that Spring provides us and we'll be learning all about the Easter story.

Here are our Key Stories for this half-term:


Happy Easter!
We rounded the term off by making brilliant Easter cards and baking crispy cake nests!. We've had such a busy term with lots of exciting learning taking place! Have a safe and restful holiday.



Liz Million - Author and Illustrator
We are so grateful that the fantastic author and illustrator, Liz Million, could spend an afternoon with us today! She showed us some fantastic ways of drawing characters from books.  Such a wonderful experience for our children!


Spring Art
Our EYFS children did a brilliant job at drawing still-life flowers with pastels and chalk. They produced some beautiful pictures which will be displayed in the church during the Easter service.

Spring Walk
Spring is such an exciting time of the year! Today we looked at all of the signs of Spring around our school grounds.


Palm Sunday
Our EYFS children have been exploring all about the Easter story. Today, after learning about the story of Palm Sunday, the children dressed up and recreated the part where Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey.

Creative in Nature

We had lots of fun collecting natural materials to make our own paint brushes with. We use our paint brushes to paint with mud! It was very sloppy, but loads of fun!


Just as we were beginning to notice the signs of Spring, we were hit with lots of fresh wintry snow! We had a great time outside exploring the snow in many different ways.




Spring 1
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and are ready to explore lots of new learning opportunities and topics this half-term!

Our theme this half-term is Amazing Animals and Winter.
We will be learning about animals and their habitats from across the world, including jungles and rain forests, the African Savannah and The Arctic. We will also continue learning about the season of Winter as we wind our way towards Spring and how Winter effects the animals in our country.

Here are our Key Stories for this half-term:


Our Learning:

New Bird Watching Area:
The children have been very excited to explore our new bird-watching area! They helped to set up bird feeders, put out different seeds for the birds and are now observing the different birds that are coming. Due to the rural setting of our school, we are attracting lots of wildlife!

Wonderful Writers:
Reception have been working very hard on writing sentences recently with a little support. The children have been using their knowledge of phonics sounds taught so far, to assist with their spelling and enable them to begin writing in a variety of contexts. I was very impressed with their recounts of Handa's Suprise. Well done!

Amazing Animals!

Our Early Years children have thoroughly enjoyed our Amazing Animals theme this half-term. They have learned about different types of animals  by grouping them, animals from around the world,  designed their own animal parks, rescued frozen animals from ice, created animal/jungle themed artwork and had fun exploring an having fun in the animal theme learning areas!

Chinese New Year 2023 - The Year of The Rabbit

Our Nursery and Reception children celebrated Chinese New Year with lots of fun and exciting activities! Including practicing to write Chinese 'Good Luck' messages, taking part in a Chinese dragon dance and cooking a Chinese stir-fry!