Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School

Bishopton Redmarshall
CE Primary School

Welcome to Class 2 


Long Term Overview 2023-2024


 Topic Homework



brave at sea homework.pdf


 Summer 1



The first book we will be looking at this half-term is The Storm Whale by Benji Davies. Click below if you'd like to hear it again.


Phonics (Year 1)

These are the new sounds and spellings we will be learning as we prepare for the Phonics Screening Check in the next half-term.



In History we will be learning all about the brave Grace Darling. If you'd like to learn more, visit the website below.





In Science we will be learning all about plants. Below is an interesting eBook with lots of facts to help you 'grow' your knowledge!


plants ebook.pdf



Spring 2


One of the books we will be enjoying this half-term is Lila and the Secret of Rain.

If you'd like to read it again. Click below.

lila and the secret of rain.pdf


Phonics (Year 1)

Here is a list of the sounds we will be learning in phonics this half-term.







Our Geography topic is What is the weather like in Bishopton and the UK?

Below is a link to some information, videos and quizzes if you'd like to learn a little more.

Or here is a short video clip. 




Here are the lyrics for the song we are learning.


You might like to create your own for some homework.






Spring 1


This term we will be enjoying lots of different books. One of these stories we will be enjoying is Vlad and the Great Fire of London.



 Below is a link to some fun games to practice different spelling, punctuation and grammar skills.



Phonics (Year 1)

Here is a list of the sounds we will be learning in phonics this half-term.




One of our favourite games to play in Maths is Hit The Button. It's a fantastic and fun way to revise number bonds, doubles, halves and times table facts. Click below to play. What is your highest score?




In Science, one of our topics is Everyday Materials. To learn more and find some interesting videos and quizzes click below.


Another of our topics is Seasonal Change. A great eBook can be found below.





In History we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London this half-term. We will be learning more about how it started and the way in which it changed London forever.

Below are some video clips and links to help you learn more!









Autumn 2


This term one of our Class Readers is The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson






Enjoy practising the 2 times table with Bridget the Lioness:


Science: Our Local Area



Why does Christmas matter to Christians?



It's never too early to start singing Christmas songs!


Science: Animals, including humans


Click on the link below to learn more about your Science topic this term:



Science ebook



Autumn 1 English


This term Class 2 has been reading Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs





E Book

 Click on the link below to enjoy Jack and the Beanstalk:



Place Value: 



 This term Class 2 are learning about Castles.

Click on the link below to find out how castles developed, why they were built and who lived inside them: 




 Term 1 Science Unit: Animals including humans



 BBC Music KS1

Click on the link below to learn some songs about Jack and the Beanstalk:



  Paul Klee inspired castle artwork:



 Who made the world?



 A story about Friendship: