Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School

Bishopton Redmarshall
CE Primary School



Subject Lead: Mr C Hole

Link LAC Member: Mrs S Raine

Mathematics allows us to make sense of our world.

Our aim is to ensure pupils gain a solid understanding of the main ideas in Mathematics, become proficient in calculations and processes and can use their understanding to reason about mathematical situations and solve problems confidently. We aspire to develop in pupils a love of Mathematics, puzzles and games and a willingness to embrace mathematical challenges.

CPA Approach

We employ a CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) to help develop a deeper understanding of the ideas in Mathematics, leading to mastery:

  • Concrete: equipment and Concrete materials are manipulated by pupils to visualise the structure of the Mathematics and to explore and demonstrate their thinking;
  • Pictorial: drawings, models, diagrams and images are used by pupils to represent the Mathematics and explore, clarify and demonstrate their thinking;
  • Abstract: opportunities to use Abstract symbols, signs and digits allow pupils to become familiar with formal methods and recordings and become more efficient in their thinking and working.

Teaching Scheme

Throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2, we base much of our teaching on the White Rose Maths Scheme. This scheme introduces bar modelling and the part-part-whole concept to help children apply their understanding to problem solving. Practical work, partner work and Mathematical talk all help to deepen understanding; pupils are encouraged to explain their own methods and analyse their own and other’s mistakes. Pupils also access a 15-minute Daily Maths Meeting, in which they consolidate previous learning, leading to increased proficiency and confidence. The key concepts covered include the areas of number, shape, position and direction, data handling and measures. 


Long-term Overview


Progression in Mathematics





Mathematical Vocabulary


Mathematics Learning Software

We use different online mathematics learning software, which allows pupils to practise and consolidate their learning of Maths in school and at home.

Click on the image below to access Sumdog

Click on the image below to access Times Table Rockstars

                                              Click on the image below to access Number Fun