Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School

Bishopton Redmarshall
CE Primary School

Welcome to Class 4


Welcome to the class page for children in Year 5 and 6 (Class 4).

Mr. Hole is your class teacher.  

2024-2025 Curriculum Overview Map

class 4 long term overview updated for 24 25.pdf


Topic Homework:


class 4 autumn 1 topic homework the victorians.pdf

Don't forget you can use Reading Plus, Timestables Rockstars and Sumdog at home anytime. If you have lost your log-in details, just ask! 


There's a lot to learn in English in Year 5 and 6. Below is a link to a fun game with lots of opportunities to practice what you are learning.


Below is a link to practice some of the key skills needed in Maths as you move up and through Year 5 and 6.


Many famous Victorians are still discussed today. Below is a link to a series of videos about some very important figures from the time.




2023-2024 Curriculum Overview Map

Topic Homework:


This term, Class 4 will be investigating coasts.

Take a look at the new Topic Homework for Summer Term 2:


Useful Links:




Summer Term


This term we will be reading Room 13 by Robert Swindells.





Spring 2


This term we will be reading a selection of Ancient Greek stories based on Greek Myths by Marcia Williams.



Enjoy reading the eBook Atticus and the Ancient Greeks.





Science: Animals including humans



History: The Ancient Greeks









Spring 1


This term our class reader is Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman























Autumn 2



This term our class reader is Anglo-Saxon Boy

by Tony Bradman



E Book


Take a look inside this e book to find out about the Anglo-Saxons and their impact on Britain.








Science: Properties and Changes of Materials 


Click on the link below to learn about properties and their changing materials:






Click on the link below to learn about the Anglo-Saxons:






This term we will be learning about Stop Motion Animation. Click on the link below to find out more:




PSHE: Health and Wellbeing


Try out these Super Mood Movers activities: 



Yoga for Kids:







Would you like to know more about the Anglo-Saxons through music? Click on the link below to learn some new songs:



British Values: Respect


As part of our RE unit this term, we will be thinking about the following question:

Why do some people believe in God and some not?

Click on the link below to find out about Mutual Respect and what that means:





Autumn 1 - English

This term our Class Reader is 'Beowulf ' by Michael Morpurgo


The children will be reading this story in class regularly and answering comprehension questions on the text. 


This is sure to be a great fantasy adventure story set in Scandinavia!


Click on the picture below to enjoy Jazz Harper: Space Explorer:



Click on the link below to practise your times tables:


Science: Earth and Space

Click on the video below to learn about the Planets in the Solar System:



 RE: Creation and Science

Click on the link below to listen to the Creation Story from Genesis 1 and 2:



Would you like to live in Scandinavia?

Find out what the climate is like in a cold climate. Click the link below:




 This term the children are learning the song You've got a friend by Carole King. Click the link below to listen and learn:



Computing Unit: Making music using Scratch

Click on the link below: